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The drafting of a “Quality Charter for the Bay of Cannes” or “Seas Quality Charter” is a project carried out by the Town Hall of CANNES in partnership with the EM les Yachts du Coeur, ex ECO MER, association, an association of boaters and sea professionals who aspire to disseminate the right information both in terms of safety and in terms of environmental preservation.


The town hall wants this charter to reach a wide audience. The EM les Yachts du Coeur, ex ECO MER, association proposed to present the charter in the form of the “Ten Commandments of the Boater in the Bay of Cannes” and organized meetings open to the public to highlight the important points of this charter.

This quality charter aims to prepare for the future. It defines the rules to be observed in order to become a “benevolent and vigilant boater” explained Mr. David LISNARD, Mayor of CANNES, and Mr. Jean-Luc ANNONE, President of the EM les Yachts du Coeur, ex ECO MER, association, during the plenary meeting of the Extra-Municipal Sea and Coastal Commission on March 12, 2018 chaired by Ms. Catherine VOUILLON.



This charter was made official by Mr. David LISNARD, Mayor of CANNES, and Mr. Jean-Luc ANNONE, President of the EM les Yachts du Coeur, ex ECO MER, association, during a Yachts du Coeur event on April 14, 2018 at the Canto port in Cannes.


This charter was made official by Mr. David LISNARD, Mayor of CANNES, and Mr. Jean-Luc ANNONE, President of the ECO-MER association, during the Yachts du Coeur on April 14, 2018 at the Canto port in Cannes
Seas Quality Charter : Security
1. Get informed before departure

I am a vigilant boater, and I equip myself with nautical charts of the area where I wish to navigate. Before departing, I need to know the bathymetry. I must inquire about the weather forecast; I have to check the local regulations published by the maritime prefect. I do all this in order to know the areas restricted or prohibited to navigation on my route.

2. Be properly equipped

As a Vigilant Boater, I know the regulations relating to mandatory safety equipment on board my vessel. This depends on the type of navigation I wish to undertake (basic, coastal, mid-shore, offshore). In particular, for a pleasure craft whose hull length is less than 24 meters I must consult division 240. I can also use the maps published by the Ministry of Ecological which summarize the equipment to take. The equipment that I take does not exceed the expiration date or the mandatory overhaul date.

3. Check your yacht

As vigilant boater, I never leave a port without having mastery of its Quality Charter. I also never leave a port without knowing the international regulations preventing collisions at sea (RIPAM).  And also without having ensured the correct seaworthiness of my yacht. When I rent a vessel, I ensure that my vessel is an EC marked boat. And also that it has not been the subject of any damage that could damage its seaworthiness. I know the number to call the Quality Charter, for the regional operational surveillance and rescue center (CROSS) in the event of an emergency.

Seas Quality Charter : Respect of others at sea


4. Secure your passengers

As a vigilant boater, I make sure that no passenger is exposed on the front deck of the yacht. Also on the edges of the vessel if no lifeline is installed. Thus, passengers on rubber dinghies are installed inside the boat and not on the tubes. These measures help save lives by preventing users from falling into the water and passing under the engine’s propellers.


5. Respect the legislation

As a vigilant boater, I am kind to other users of the body of water. The Marine quality charter – let’s respect safety distances respects speed limits at sea. I,take care not to pass between the flags of the fishing nets, I slow down and move away when I see the diving flags. I exercise constant visual and auditory monitoring. I  do not go to sea if I have consumed alcohol.

6. Before dropping anchor

As a vigilant boater, I only anchor my vessel when I am assured that the impact of the anchor on the seabed will not produce any negative effect on the Marine life. To do this, I will look for information on the location of posidonia, cymodocea, large mother-of-pearl or other protected species. I can find those informations on websites such as DONIA or Natura 2000. When I anchor, as a boater respectful of the environment, I keep my yacht at a standstill.


Seas Quality Charter : Environment


7. Fish according to the rules in force

As a vigilant boater, I am sensitive to the environment in which I operate. I do not fish beyond what I can consume alone during the day. When I fish, I make sure in advance that the fish caught is authorized for fishing (season, size, species). To do this, I consult the web pages of the Interregional Maritime Directorate responsible for recreational fishing for the entire Mediterranean basin. I also avoid fishing for octopus during reproduction periods. I knows the opening and closing dates for sea urchin fishing as well as the required size and the maximum authorized quantity caught.


8. Inform in case of anchor abandonment

As a vigilant boater, when I am forced to abandon my anchor at sea,  I immediately report it to the departmental fisheries committee so that the fishermen do not destroy their net in contact with the anchor. I also inform the diving associations likely to remove the anchor, as well as the harbor master’s office so that the anchor is listed. As a virtuous boater, I do not leave things on the seabed because I know the regulations relating to the public maritime domain. I know that the State does not authorize private occupation of the coastline by users in the Alpes-Maritimes. I also know that I do not have the right to anchor for more than 7 days in the same location. Because beyond 7 days, the State considers that private use of the public maritime domain is being made.


9. Yacht at anchor

As a responsible boater, I never leave my vessel at anchor without supervision and without immediate means of intervention because I am aware of the Marine Quality Charter in the Bay of Cannes. As a responsible boater, I  never leav my vessel at anchor without supervision and without immediate means of intervention because I am aware that my anchor may slip on the bottom and that my vessel may run aground on the beach. I am also aware of the obligation imposed on RIPAM for visual and auditory monitoring. Likewise at night, I turn on my  lights at night when I am sailing as well as when I am at anchor in order to be seen.


10. Good environmental actions

As a responsible boater, I know the regulations relating to the discharge of the marine quality charter waters in the Bay of Cannes. The discharge of black, gray or bilge water is strictly prohibited in ports and within the 3 nautical mile zone. Discharge beyond 3 miles is possible provided that the boat is equipped with a grinding and disinfection system. The discharge must take place at a moderate speed greater than 4 knots. The risk incurred in the event of an infraction is a fine of 4,000 euros for a boat of less than 20 meters. Gray or black at sea. Documentation can be obtained from the Nice Côte-d’Azur Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI). to take good environmental actions. I will also look for information on eco-gestures on the website of the Ministry of Ecological Transition.